Cover Girl ~ ♪

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I showed my face properly, huh?

...Well here you go! So, do you all remember how I mentioned New Kids On The Block in one of the posts about the "monochrome geek-rock" style (here) I was working on at the beginning of the year?

Well after all that my obsession for that boy group has gotten a lot bigger to the point of affecting my style right now, it's not the geek-rock sort of way either, it's more of a late 80's - early 90's kind of style, or at least, it's my take on that sort of style anyway.

Well here is my attempt.

And now to break it down for you. Basically I'm wearing skinny jeans, I did try my sisters high waisted jeans on, but they were too baggy on me, so I'm sticking with my skinny jeans for now, I'm wearing 2 different studded belts, just because it looks cool, a baggy striped long sleeved top tucked it but bagged out at the bottoms, with a denim waist jacket, opened of course and to top it all off a black hat slightly to one side.

The big cross necklace, because accessories like this are always cool for this sort of style, or in my opinion they are anyway, especially the religious types, a little like something Madonna would have worn back in the 80's. Also, in my first picture at the top, there's my big dangley pirate styled earring and a studded bracelet pulled over the sleeve, which I felt worked well with this outfit too, even if my sister did say I looked like a "spadge" whatever that is. 

Now for shoes, because I was stuck for ideas, I went with an old pair of flats.

They're really comfortable even though they're full of holes and are quite old now, but I think they work well with the outfit. Especially with the gems all over like that.

I might actually wear this outfit to the NKOTBSB (New Kids on The Block and Backstreet Boys) concert, in Manchester, I'm going to for my birthday too, so if you're going and see me, please say "hi" or something, okay?

Well I hope you enjoyed this post.


  1. You look really pretty with this style, I love it <3

  2. Aww, thank you honey ♥

    I am really loving this style right now, but I'm not sure if
    it's the music that's influencing me with the style. I'll see
    how things carry on from here on :3
